Saturday, September 29, 2007



By:Kimberleigh Powers
Skyler Wilde

Dusty bottom isle.
Bushy armed tall fellows.

Arms stretched out.

To the heavens baring his forbidden fruit.
Delicious tasting red glass.
Temptingly sweet in my eyes.

My tongue slips from my mouth and over my lips.
Wanting to taste the simple sweet.
Sinful juices run down my chin.
An within my soul I feel the devil take hold.
I realize the toll has been paid.

I am now his maid as I am laid.

Upon the stone bed that presents the dead.
As it has been read over the years.
To the little ears of my youth.

Offering up the proof of how beautiful.

The sky above the isle of trees.
Truly can be as it shines down on me.

The sun's beams stretch over my skin.
As I lay on the "orchard" bottom below.

Friday, September 28, 2007

~Filled with Lies~

~Filled with Lies~

By:Kimberleigh Powers
Skyler Wilde

Lies, lies, lies where do they end.
My friends and family members.
All a lie from the beginning.
At first it was a fib but now.
It's bigger lie after lie of my life.
Line after line of riddles and secrets.
Biting, eating, tearing at my soul.
But before you know my friends will discover.
My real life is undercover of lies.
Lies out my mouth fill my room.
From floor to ceiling cracks the roof.
Of my conscious, my dreams are filled.
With those lies they talk or should I say.
I talk to my best friend.
She'd never know I hope she won't.
Find out the lies filling my mouth.


w. 4-16-02

By: Kimberleigh Powers
Skyler Wilde

So light weight and care free.
Fluttering through the trees.
Caressing silky flower petals.
Landing in the pollen filled middles.
To drink the sweet nectar.
Floating along instead of buzzing like a bee, or humming like a humming bird.
You have a song of your own.
Sweet melody so silent.
But so loud and grand.
With a twinkle of your wings.
And a flicker of your wings.
You flit away into a world of colors.
Where you know nothing of the evil human world around you.
Not worrying about if your hair is messed up or if you have a pimple or bad breath.
You don't wonder about your future.
Or whether your next pay check will get you through the week.
You just fly from flower to flower, lazing around all day, sleeping all night.
With your beautiful wing span.
Your just a little "Butterfly."
In comprehensive to the war raging planet you explore.
And without a mind to be corrupted by the medially influenced society.
Nope your just a tiny beautiful "Butterfly."
Now playing: Mariah Carey - Butterfly
via FoxyTunes

Thursday, September 27, 2007

~Little Bubbles~


By:Kimberleigh Powers
Skyler Wilde








By:Kimberleigh Powers
Skyler Wilde

Upon my checks and vivid lips.
That are painted with shimmer and cherry lacquer.
Red ringlets of hair lay below a knitted beanie.
I pull my red and black checkered mini skirt up over my hips.
A black satin gypsy tunic covers my bosom.
Slipping into leather knee high boots.
I grab my purple bag an gather my things.
Leaving you in the eve of the morning when it is still dark.
You asleep like a baby do not start as I creep from your presence.
Out an into the cool air of the mourn.
I walk the path worn into the ground back to the little town.
Of which the beauty an grace of me was born.
As it is still dark upon the earth.
For any other human this would be troublesome.
But for as I have just experienced complete ecstasy.
The glitter of my skin creates an "afterglow" that lights my journey.

~Hazel Eyes~

~Hazel Eyes~

By:Kimberleigh Powers
Skyler Wilde

Look through red hair.
An wonder why this life isn’t fair.
Stair at the screen those eyes do.
Writing along with the music I wonder who.
Will ever read my sorrowing art.
An feel my pain is like theirs an that their a part.
Of all the madness I write about.
That their death’s could be carried down the mailman’s route.
Damn even a simple envelope isn’t safe anymore.
And an inked word can make the world’s blood pore.
As the eagle sores above the black smoke.
He realizes the freedom he represents will never be free but we will always remain broken.
Like the glimmer that once twinkled in these “hazel eyes.”
Now playing: Kelly Clarkson - Behind These Hazel Eyes
via FoxyTunes


Now playing: One Republic - Apologize
via FoxyTunes


By:Kimberleigh Powers
Skyler Wilde

Picking it all up an shoving it all in your bag.
You come back into reality long enough to see the white stag.
Run from your mind an into the forest of your conscious.
As you follow your friends to class an you complete your day.
Of the chaotic splendor that you live in.
Falling out of proportion with the tangible world.
Smashed-Up Automobile.
What good is the pain for if we can’t bring it with us to the afterlife.
So it does surely leave its self behind.
Because being able to still feel something I guess is nothing.
Of this I am sure of.
Not wanting to be one survivor.
Over the next few years you’ll try an remove the guilt.
Working up the courage to go outside again.
An you stand at the door.
With your hands on the floor.
Once again trying to pick up the “pieces.”

~Little Piece of Heaven~

~Little Piece of Heaven~
w. 3-16-05

By:Kimberleigh Powers
Skyler Wilde

Baby Boy so small in size.
But so big was my love for you the day I felt you had died.

Your life so quickly created inside me was claimed.

There was no one in the world I could have blamed.

For the loss in my soul.
But I guess God needed you more up there with him to make heaven whole. An you should know my little one my tears.
Are more painful than the reality of my fears.
That I wouldn’t be a good mother.

Now I know the reality was that I couldn’t give the quality life you deserved an it’s trying to smother.
Me with the quilt of me being so greedy for your essence to merge with mine.
But in all my haste to see your precious face I couldn’t see the sign.

That feeling you move inside me for even a second makes it easier to put the past behind.

An that everyone who said I wasn’t good enough to have a family was lies.
So baby boy so small in size.
Now grandpa gets to see into your precious eyes.

Out of all the things I lost your loss gained me a “little piece of heaven.”

*Dedicated To The Memory Of My Precious Son.

Clarence Arthur Swick -Davis II

~Copper Wire Lips~

~Copper Wire Lips~

By:Kimberleigh Powers
Skyler Wilde

Spark to life with such wildfire rumors.
Of days past that are filled to the top.
With imaginative tragic lies.
Eyes here and voices there.
Seeing lavish scenes of heard evil.
Little insignificant people with big heads.
Have the nerve to charge us for the doctor's bills.
They cause from infecting us with their propaganda.
Images and ideas only theirs are real.
Nothing we think,say,or do matters.
But we are supposed to be allowed to do.
All that for ourselves but I've realized.
They only allow us those rights to an extent.
Just enough to live but not to survive.
An what is living without survival?
Obliviously its not enough because even life.
That hasn't had the chance to breath mother earth's.
Breath have no right to survive or live.
Or lie for that matter cause our leader.
The wolf in expensive sheep clothing.
That we can't afford doesn't like us to see and hear.
The truth god's united speak from "copper wire lips."
Now playing: Grace Potter & The Nocturnals - Paris (Ooh La La)
via FoxyTunes