Friday, September 28, 2007

~Filled with Lies~

~Filled with Lies~

By:Kimberleigh Powers
Skyler Wilde

Lies, lies, lies where do they end.
My friends and family members.
All a lie from the beginning.
At first it was a fib but now.
It's bigger lie after lie of my life.
Line after line of riddles and secrets.
Biting, eating, tearing at my soul.
But before you know my friends will discover.
My real life is undercover of lies.
Lies out my mouth fill my room.
From floor to ceiling cracks the roof.
Of my conscious, my dreams are filled.
With those lies they talk or should I say.
I talk to my best friend.
She'd never know I hope she won't.
Find out the lies filling my mouth.

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